Matt Lantz
This photo was captured by Lantz at the Saint Boniface Catholic Church.
Every summer, usually between mid-July and late-August, the entire Northern Hemisphere gets a cosmic spectacle in the form of the Perseids meteor shower — so named because the meteors appear from the general direction of the constellation Perseus. Of course, for a good view, Fort Worthians might need to take a small trek from the city lights.
As photographer Matt Lantz puts it, “The two most important ingredients you need for a good photograph of meteors are dark skies and an interesting foreground subject.”
This photo was captured by Lantz at the Saint Boniface Catholic Church, a small church built in 1912 in nearby Dodson Prairie (a one-hour drive out west).
“Conditions were ideal on the peak night of the shower,” Lantz says, “and I was able to capture about 15 meteors and stack them together in one image with the Milky Way nicely aligned with the church in the background.”
Photo by Matt Lantz
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