Oh yes...Say it isn't so...It's not often that DomainXCIV owned by Mark Vaughan & Tad Watts has a sale of 20% off EVERYTHING in the store! BUT, there is just one awesome little charitable stipulation involved...Read below for the full details.
Domain XCIV is exited to be collecting wine for Cancer Care Services, Joy of Life fundraiser. On October 5th from 4-6:30 Domain is hosting a happy hour with wine, a specialty cocktail, munchies, and shopping. Please bring (1) bottle of wine, $25 minimum value and receive 10% off your purchase. Bring in (3) bottles of wine, each having a $25 minimum value, and receive 20% of your purchase. All donations are tax-exampt and shopping discount is for this Friday 4-6:30 only. All wine will be used for the wine pull at the Joy of Life fundraiser, chaired by Christy & Jason Smith on November 10, 2012 at the Ridglea Country Club.
Not only is Domain one of my FAV stores to get into trouble, but my guilt is assuaged cause I LOVE shopping with the local guys that give back soo much to the community. I have done some serious damage on the card in this store. Let me show you some of my favorite purchases to wet your pallet for some crazy fun shopping this evening!
One of my all time favorite pieces from the store is this ToDieFor amethyst rock bowl, compliments of my parents. Nothing like a good ol pair of generous parents to step in and get you a little something special, for a notable occasion of course.
What's a Christmas dinner without the perfect table setting? That's exactly what I said to my notsothrilled husband when my awesome OCD kicked in and I had to get the ENTIRE COLLECTION. Mark & Tad superhappy. Jason notsomuch. FYI, this is the perfect time of the year to start preparing the look you want for your Christmas dinner table.
Hear are some more fun pieces of the Vietri Old St. Nick pattern. All this and more can be purchased at Domain XCIV.
Oh, and did I tell you they have an amazing collection of furniture too! Check out this special going on right now.
October Sale on Dovetail Furniture
Click here to shop their latest sale from Dovetail. These great bargains are special order only, and there are very limited quantities.
So happy shopping, and I will see you there from 4:00-5:00, and be sure to tell them you saw this on SoFortWorthIt!