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Rachel DeLira Pictures
Mitch Whitten, Kristen Sullivan, Dave & Amy Lewis
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Rachel DeLira Pictures
Debbie Reynolds, Maurie Reynolds, Judy Koslow, Mary Lynn Garrett
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Rachel DeLira Pictures
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Rachel DeLira Pictures
Hillary & Shelby Amos, Mandy Kizer, Tara & Marc Croker, Marti Lowe, Zach Cohen
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Rachel DeLira Pictures
Patrick Newman, President and CEO, Fort Worth Botanic Garden
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Rachel DeLira Pictures
Bruce & Donna Street
Fort Worth Botanic Garden members, sponsors, and donors gathered to preview the debut of Lightscape, presented by Bank of America, on November 17. Special thanks to the Fort Worth Garden Club for underwriting this party and the many friends and supporters who have ensured Lightscape’s success. This inaugural exhibit will run through January 8.