The Society of Watercolor Artists, based here in Fort Worth, is an organization devoted to promoting the art of watercolor. They hold monthly meetings, regularly scheduled workshops and host national and international juried exhibitions. The 2015 International Juried Exhibition is currently on display from May 3 through June 12 in the Atrium Gallery of the Fort Worth Central Library. There are more than 50 watercolors by local, national and international artists from as far away as Hong Kong and Taiwan. Among the paintings in the show is this one I painted of a saddle bronc rider from the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.

“Saddle Bronc 2” 10” x 14” Watercolor
Time-lapse of the painting:
I was also asked to give a demonstration of my watercolor technique at one of the Society of Watercolor Artists' monthly meetings. My son went with me and made this short video of that experience.

Time-lapse of the painting:
James Tennison Paints Fort Worth: "A Watercolor" from Tennison Visuals on Vimeo.
For more information about the Society of Watercolor Artists, please visit their website.
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Video provided by Tennison Visuals