Tarrant Area Food Bank
Tarrant Area Food Bank Empty Bowls
Typically, the Tarrant Area Food Bank's Empty Bowls event lets donors peruse handcrafted, artisan bowls while taking part in food tastings and auctions.
Tarrant Area Food Bank’s (TAFB) signature event, Empty Bowls, will still be taking place this year, albeit a little differently.
Well, a lot differently. The annual event was canceled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic but will return this year as a mega food distribution event, rather than a donor event.
Typically, Empty Bowls lets donors peruse handcrafted, artisan bowls while taking part in food tastings and auctions benefiting the food bank. This year's Empty Bowls will be an online fundraiser in which donors can sponsor boxes of food for families. TAFB will then distribute the meals to 3,000 families at the Empty Bowls Mega Mobile Market on March 25 at Dickies Arena from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
“Empty Bowls is our signature donor event that was canceled due to concern for the pandemic, but this year, it’s back, re-invented, and focused on immediately impacting those in need in our 13-county service area. The spirit of the event continues, just now in a safer way that will put a literal spin on filling the bowls of our friends and neighbors,” TAFB president and CEO Julie Butner said in a statement.
With each virtual box donated, a “studio bowl” handcrafted by local artists will be given to each guest. The bowls can be picked up at a donor appreciation event through a contactless drive-thru located at the Dickies Arena. This event will take place on March 26.
Tickets are on sale now at tafb.org/empty-bowls.