Brian Kendall
As uncharacteristically cold and snowy winter weather continues to plague Fort Worth, with between three to five inches of snow covering the area, the City of Fort Worth has provided resources and tips for conserving energy and staying safe.
To conserve energy:
In an effort to conserve energy and reduce the chance of overwhelming the electric grid, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has asked all houses to limit power usage by:
- Keeping the thermostats at 68 degrees or below
- Keeping blinds and curtains closed
- Keeping unused electronics unplugged
- Avoiding using large appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers during the morning and evening. Limiting use will be especially important during the evening hours, according to ERCOT.
The city also recommends lowering your water heater to 120 degrees or lower.
If you currently don't have power:
- Keep blinds and curtains closed.
- Close off rooms to avoid wasting heat.
- Wear layers.
- Eat and drink, but avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- Use towels or rags to stuff cracks under doors.
There's also an Emergency Warming Center at the Worth Heights Community Center at 3551 New York Ave., if needed.
In case of a water main break:
Report water main breaks by calling 817-392-4477. Do not assume someone else has called. Keep extra drinking water on hand in case of a water main break or other plumbing issues. Do not report breaks on social media.
If heating appliances are in use:
The city is asking residents to exercise caution when using heating appliances. If heating appliances are being used, it is important to check that all smoke and CO detectors are working properly.
Other important information:
The city asks that people do not report problems via social media or email. To report unsafe road conditions, call 817-392-1234 or use the MyFW app. Public preparedness messaging is distributed via Code Red (fortworthtexasalerts.gov) and social media; and updated closures and service impacts will be listed at fortworthtexas.gov/closures.