Valet services will help remedy the high number of cars towed due to insufficient parking in the Seventh Street area.
On Thursday, Jan. 19, the 7th Street Business Association issued an official statement on its blog to address an increasingly notorious and vexing problem: towing. There is a dearth of parking in the Seventh Street area, which the 7th Street Association defines as the area framed by Lancaster Avenue to the south, Montgomery Street to the west, White Settlement Boulevard to the north and Foch Street to the east.
In the blog post, the association expressed its "concern with the negative impact this story is having on our district as a whole."
The parking scarcity led to frequent towing, which prompted media attention and frustrated outbursts on social networking sites. The timing of all the negative attention could not have been worse, as the Fort Worth Stock Show was just beginning. The negative attention threatened to hamper the Stock Show-driven bump in business for the area.
The 7th Street Business Association implored patience, tolerance, and cooperation from patrons, businesses and municipalities, promising to find a solution.
Now they've found a solution, temporarily at least. The association established a new valet service after reaching agreements with owners of vacant lots. There will be two points of contact for pick-up and drop-off to be determined in the near future.
This solution will certainly alleviate some of the parking difficulties. Hopefully, the valet service will also ameliorate frustrated businesses and patrons, dulling the sharply negative attention of the media and social networks.
The valet services should become available in the middle of June.