Q: I hate it when people brag about how busy they are. My friend is a stay-at-home mom with a nanny, and she is always blogging about her “frantic” day and how there just isn’t enough time to get it all done. How can I gently tell her to better manage her time?
There are days when we all have time debt, however there are those who always claim they are too busy.
These people have one of two problems:
- They are trying to do too much
- They are not effective with their time
When did bragging about being too busy become a badge of honor? Are people really too busy or are they trying to cover up disorganization or poor time management? Maybe you could help your friend out by suggesting she do one of these behaviors:
- Delegate: It is important to realize that we can’t do it all alone. Find trusty teammates in work and in life that you can rely on for help.
- Stop Complaining: Complaining is procrastination in disguise. Maybe if your friend quits blogging about how busy she is, there would be time to complete her tasks.