Local professionals — representing industries from food and construction to health and real estate — are sharing expert advice in their own words with the readers of Fort Worth Magazine.
In the coming months, many of us will begin shopping for gifts and planning celebratory gatherings. As a gift, wine is an excellent choice because there are so many types and price ranges to choose from. We know that this variety can also be overwhelming when trying to select a wine that fits the right situation or person.
At Lost Oak Winery, we frequently receive calls to suggest pairing wines with foods or to help in selecting a gift for colleagues, friends, and family. With a few simple questions about the recipient or the occasion, we have found that it’s fairly easy to identify a wine they will love.
In the land of sweet tea and Dr. Pepper, there are some dead giveaways as to what a few of the Texas wine drinkers would prefer.
If sweet drinks are their preferred beverages, we would suggest a sweet wine such as moscato or riesling. If they prefer carbonated beverages like sodas or fizzy waters, they might prefer a sparkling wine which is any wine that has carbonation added to it. For whiskey lovers and stout beer drinkers, where the tastes are strong and distinctive, we’d suggest one of the bold dry red wines such as a cabernet sauvignon or Montepulciano. If your whiskey lover pairs their drink with a Coke, then we’d suggest a fruitier, softer red such as a merlot. For light beer drinkers, go with a dry crisp white such as sauvignon blanc.
Lost Oak Winery’s event team frequently guides guests through the selection pro-cess to identify the perfect wines for parties and weddings, which means sometimes they won’t know what their guests typically prefer. Make sure to consider the occasion and time of year. For those hot Texas days, you can’t go wrong with a light rosé or white wine — sweet or dry. Are your guests coming from outside of Texas? Pro-vide a Texas-made wine ... we often suggest our blends, Texas Duet and Texas Trio.
The Lost Oak team is skilled in helping guests identify their favorite types of wines. Through guided tastings, you can try what you like and receive suggestions from someone who’s been guiding wine drinkers for years.
8101 County Road 802, Burleson, Texas 76028, 817.426.6625, lostoakwinery.com
What is Construction Detailing? Construction Detailing is where the form of interior design meets the function of spatial planning, allowing custom design elements to be woven into the fabric of a home. It is based on fully understanding the construction process, then sourcing and refining the details that go into the over-all design. When a designer collaborates with architects and builders at the inception of a project, they develop a comprehensive approach that allows for the orchestration of every nuance that makes a home unique and seamlessly functional. The result is a home that is as cohesive as it is beautiful from the ground up. As Coach John Wooden once said, “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” At Susan Semmelmann Interiors, we settle for nothing less than big things and big results for our clients!
Why does Construction Detailing matter? Susan Semmelmann Interiors is devoted to giving our clients the top-of-the-line experience they deserve. With our vast experience in building homes and understanding the construction process, we know that Construction Detailing is crucial. It’s the difference between limiting the design to predetermined spaces versus having the freedom to craft each space to complement the homeowner’s signature style and taste. Think in terms of buying a product off the rack as opposed to having the same product custom-made; anything custom-made is fine-tuned to create a perfect, individualized fit. The process of Construction Detailing bridges the gap between construction and the critical elements of design that make a home unique and ultra-functional, down to the finest point. This all-inclusive approach ensures that nothing is missed, and the result is a home that fits like a custom-made glove!
What does this process look like when working with clients? We love working with our Construction Detailing clients because we know they are getting the very best from their homebuilding experience. They benefit greatly from a “meeting of the minds” of everyone touching their project, from designers to builders to architects and beyond. This process allows us to sit with each client, ask questions, catch their vision, and be in the creative flow that results in a framework for their desired outcome. We are then able to take the big picture and begin filling in the details that range in scope from larger, structural considerations to the smallest accessory decisions. This ongoing process lasts for the duration of the project as plans are fluid and flexible to a certain point. We stay in constant contact with our clients through all phases of design and construction so we can give process updates, consult on design decisions, and provide peace of mind by staying on top of budget considerations.
What are some examples of Construction Detailing? When we say Susan Semmelmann Interiors touches every detail of a home, we mean it. The Construction Detailing process guarantees that every design aspect is considered and cross-referenced for its viability, functionality, and ultimate aesthetic quality of a home. When beginning the design of a home’s interior, fabrics are always selected first as an anchor, and all other interior elements are chosen accordingly. These selections include items such as flooring, hardware, paint, lighting, countertops, and custom cabinetry, as well as bathroom tiling, tub surrounds, showers, and fixtures. There is nothing that can’t be customized to suit a client’s taste and add a personalized feel to a home. The framing stage is vital as it dictates the functionality and flow and sets the backdrop to highlight the interior finishings. Important structural considerations include architectural details, strategic placement of lighting, outlets, and plumbing fixtures, as well as feature walls, designated spaces for artwork, and proper setup for furniture placement and entertain-ing. We consider all of the above and much more when consulting with each client.
What is Architectural Detailing? Architectural Detailing focuses on the overall character and defining personality of a home’s structural design. Think along the lines of doors, trims, moldings, railings, curved or linear lines. The consistency of detail in the architectural design of a structure is crucial to the integrity of the whole. We like to think of the structure as the canvas and the interior detail as the paint, so the canvas must be smooth and uninterrupted for the masterpiece to shine. This does not mean, however, that architectural details need to be dull or flat. Quite the contrary, they can take otherwise monotonous spaces and bump them up a notch in style and visual appeal, as long as the continuity is intact throughout every area of the home.
How long have you been in the Construction Detailing business? Susan Semmelmann Interiors has 20-plus years of experience in the construction and interior design industries. Construction Detailing is in our DNA, it is our absolute passion, and it brings us great joy to walk with our clients through the process of designing their homes from the foundation to the very last finishing touch. We are in the business of building dreams from the ground up!
4372 West Vickery Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76107, 940-577-1000, semmelmanninteriors.com
Having a trusted financial advisor on your side can make a big difference in planning for a comfortable and secure future. When seeking an advisor, learning these two words will help level the playing field: fiduciary and suitability. Knowing the difference can affect the quality of advice you receive, who provides the counsel, and how much your wealth grows in coming years. Financial advisors are governed by two federal regulatory standards: the fiduciary standard and suitability standard. Under the fiduciary standard, advisors have a legal obligation to always act in the best interests of their clients. Meaning, they must consider several factors when recommending investments, including, but not limited, to riskiness of investments, reasonableness of fees and potential for conflicts of interest.
Financial advisors who operate under the suitability standard are required to confirm investments purchased by clients are suit-able for their needs — even if lower-cost alternatives are available.
When seeking a financial professional, family and friends are a great place to start, but make sure their recommendations follow the fiduciary standard.
If you would like additional information about working with a fiduciary financial advisor for your trust and estate planning needs or investment management strategies, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re ready to help.
4200 South Hulen St., Ste. 217, Fort Worth, Texas 76109, 817.502.293, [email protected], argentfinancial.com
Q: David, how would you describe the Fort Worth real estate market now?
A: Extremely hot. Prices are up about 5%, year-over-year, across the city. It’s a great time for sellers. There is a ton of demand with very little supply. And, buyers are enjoying the benefits of ultra-low interest rates. Many buyers are coming from other parts of the country, and they view our real estate as extremely afford-able and a great value proposition.
Q: How would you describe the market in an area where you focus?
A: We live in The River District and spend a bunch of time on the west side of town. Houses aren’t staying on the market long, and we’re getting multiple offers for properly priced properties. All the cities bordering Fort Worth are hot. Nice neighborhoods have popped up seemingly out of nowhere — and there’s no shortage of demand.
Q: How has the pandemic affected how you work?
A: We’ve never been busier. People are moving out of the major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco. They’re moving here in a big way. Recently, I sold a premium property in Southlake to a buyer out of New York City who bought it sight unseen. A buyer out of Portland is building a portfolio of rental properties in Fort Worth. The secret’s out: Fort Worth real estate provides incredible bang for the buck.
6400 Mira Vista Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76132, 817.888.8088, briggsfreeman.com, chicotsky.com
CapTex Bank is a Fort Worth-based community bank with over 100 years of Texas history. At CapTex, we strongly believe that the owner-operated “small businesses” in our community fuel the economy, and the entrepreneurs who start them are a different breed. We are that breed. In fact, every member of our executive team has been deeply involved in at least one bank startup. That makes a difference in the way we look at opportunities and solutions. It also influences the way we approach our banking relationships. We know that we must EARN your business by being responsive, respectful, and knowledgeable, and we will KEEP your business by continuously investing in our products, technology and security, AND teaching you, our client, how to use them. We feel strongly that local decisions are the best decisions. This is OUR market, and we believe that our depth of local knowledge gives our clients a great advantage. If you’re interested in working with a like-minded entrepreneurial team, give us a call or stop by. PICTURED: Mike Thomas, Jr.
2929 W. Fifth St., Fort Worth, Texas 76107 817.569.6226, captex.bank
That’s the suggestion raised by a 2011 study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute on Aging. A study published in February reinforces the theory that the two conditions may be linked.
“A lot of people ignore hearing loss because it’s such a slow and insidious process as we age,” said Dr. Frank Lin, the lead author on both reports. “Even if people are not affected, we’re showing that it may well be a more serious problem.”
Some 17% of Ameri-can adults — 36 million people — report some degree of hearing loss, according to the National Institutes of Health’s center devoted to communication disorders. And more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia.
What’s the connection between hearing loss and dementia?
• Cognitive load, which means a brain is so busy trying to make sense of something —in this case, muffled sounds that it knows should form distinct words — that its working memory is compromised. If all of a brain’s energy is devoted to trying to turn sounds into words, it’s difficult to then assign meaning to those words or to remember them.
• Pathology, or a disease process that results in both hearing loss and dementia.
• Social isolation, which other research has associated with dementia. People who’ve lost some hearing encounter this when they can’t take part in group conversations.
If you’re experiencing hearing loss, treat it. Sooner, rather than later.
817.737.4327, [email protected]
The last few months have resulted in changes in market conditions but also in the way most of us have had to conduct business. Open houses, showings, and client meetings were done via FaceTime, Zoom, and Teams; closings were held in title company parking lots; and we all realized the value of the place we call home. In addition to the way the business of real estate has been conducted, we are seeing a change in what buyers are looking for in a home. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have all had an abundance of time to evaluate what is important in a home and what we need. Increased functionality in our homes has suddenly become critical, and home buyers’ wants are reflecting this shift. Rooms and features that may have been considered a nice amenity are now being recategorized as a “must-have.” Features such as home offices, media rooms, pools, built-in desks for homework, and proximity to a park or a green space — all of which were once thought of as additional amenities — are now being considered by some with the same gravity as kitchens and master baths. Over the years, we have seen a decreased demand for dining rooms, but since the quarantine, the request for a home with one or a space for family dining has increased. Perhaps families dining together with more regularity has rekindled this tradition, reminding us of what is most important in a home, the ones we love.
[email protected], 817.584.7033, ulterre.com
You’ve seen people camped out under overpasses, sleeping behind buildings, sitting outside of businesses, standing on street corners. As a fellow human, you feel the tug at your heart to help, but how?
Many organizations in Tarrant County are doing excellent work with people experiencing homelessness, functioning together within the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition (TCHC) to address needs including food, clothing, temporary shelter, health care access, permanent housing, and more.
DRC Solutions concentrates on Housing First, a proven approach to homelessness, which has demonstrated that contributing factors — unemployment, health issues, addiction, mental illness, etc. — are more easily and more success-fully mitigated when someone has a clean and safe place to call home. DRC’s programs are all designed with housing as the primary goal.
Concentrate your personal efforts on supporting local organizations. Instead of driving down East Lancaster handing out sandwiches, contact one of the shelters and ask how you can support their meal distributions. Instead of giving the person at the intersection a few dollars, make financial investment with an organization that is truly changing lives daily.
The most important thing you can do is treat people with dignity and respect. People experiencing homelessness are individuals with unique life experiences. They are not a homogeneity of one-size-fits-all stereotypes. Judgment and contempt only make their journeys home more difficult. A little compassion goes a long way.
*Learn more about the DRC and our Housing First programs at DRC-Solutions.org.
Q: What factors do banks evaluate for a loan request to purchase a business?
A: Banks will evaluate the owner’s or management team’s experience in running this type of business and assess the reason-ableness of the business plan and financial proforma developed by the owners and/or management team. Analyzing the owner’s financial capacity is an important factor in the consideration of this type of loan. The owner must have the capacity to carry the debt in the event the business does not perform to a level needed to cover the debt payments.
Q: What do I need to provide to the bank for them to evaluate my loan request?
A: Banks will need to see a business plan that shows a financial proforma and the assumptions used to develop the proforma. The proforma should cover at least twelve months but preferably for the next two years. The business plan should outline the business’s competitive landscape and an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. In addition, the bank will need the last three fiscal year operating statements on the business under the previous ownership. The borrower should also provide a bio on each owner and the management team of the business. Finally, the borrower should provide a current financial statement and three years of tax returns for each owner of the business.
Fort Worth Club Building 777 Taylor St., Ste. 102 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817.885.7361
What if a treatment existed that could impact your brain in such a way that your anxiety or depression could potentially decrease from a level 10 (severe) to unthinkable levels such as 0, 1, or 2 in a matter of 45 minutes (or less)? What if long-term results of this treatment were possible within 15-20 sessions? What if such a therapy was FDA approved and could produce effective naturopathic healing that fosters homeostasis within your brain, therefore reducing issues associated with trauma, PTSD, mild-traumatic brain injuries, ADHD, addiction, insomnia, migraines, or strokes? Does this sound too good to be true? Over one year ago, I certainly thought so. That is, until I became a certified provider of a cutting-edge treatment called IASIS Micro-Current Neurofeedback (MCN) therapy and began providing the treatment myself.
Metroplex Counseling and Wellness is the first counseling center in DFW to offer IASIS MCN. This isn’t your traditional neurofeedback therapy; rather, it is a form of neurofeedback that uses low intensity pulses of energy imperceptible to the person receiving treatment (and no, this is nothing like electroshock therapy). Stuck, maladaptive brain patterns caused by acute trauma or chronic struggles associated with issues such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD are disrupted, and the brain responds by laying down new neural pathways. Nothing more than sitting still for 30-45 minutes in a very safe and relaxing atmosphere.
2501 Parkview Drive, Ste. 220, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 817.571.4110, metroplexcounseling.com
In the Dallas-Fort Worth area, roofs are subjected to extreme weather conditions, such as hail, wind, heavy rain, and ice. A roof is often neglected due to the fact it cannot always be seen, and damage is often noticed after it is too late. Damage that may occur from even the smallest leak could result in deterioration of the roof insulation and deck; interior ceiling, wall, and floor damage; as well as damage to interior furnishings and fixtures. For every $1 you spend on your roof leak, there is an average of $9 in interior damage potential if the roof fails. Stay ahead of these problems with regular roof maintenance.
A roof maintenance program could high-light any potential problems before they occur. Early detection is important for maintaining your roof and avoiding costly emergency repairs. So, what can you do? Simply check up on it as often as possible, especially after a heavy storm or high winds. You just need a good pair of binoculars to inspect your roof, and look for missing, curling, or cracked shingles; peeling flashing; or missing granules. Any of these signs of damage should be looked at as soon as possible by a professional roofing contractor who can safely make the necessary repairs. Call us to schedule an annual maintenance visit.
3027 Ramona Drive, Ste. 110, Fort Worth, Texas 76116, ramonroofing.com, 817.924.1645, Fax 817.831.8730
You may think you know what a heart attack or stroke looks like, but they don’t always stick to a script — and they won’t wait for a pandemic to pass. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, and 90% of women have at least one risk factor for heart attack or stroke. The good news is you can lower your chance of a sudden event. Start by knowing your risk factors for heart disease.
Some heart disease risks are in your genes rather than your behavior. If there’s a family history of coronary heart disease (plaque buildup in the arteries), you are more likely to develop the condition and run a greater risk of having a heart attack. But no matter what genes you are born with, you still need to mind your lifestyle.
If you smoke, quit. If you are overweight, get active. If your cholesterol level is high, talk to your doctor about ways to improve it. Above all, don’t try to wait out a pandemic to seek medical treatment for certain symptoms. Chest pain, a shortness of breath, or weakness on one side of your body should be immediately addressed.
For nonemergency heart and vascular care and support in reducing your heart disease risk, the cardiovascular specialists of Texas Health Physicians Group provide safe in-person and virtual visits. Get quality heart-health care for now and the future.
800.916.8080, thpg.org/heartvascular
Established in 1934, the Visiting Nurse Association of Texas (VNA) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that helps seniors age with dignity and independence at home. VNA is the community’s most trusted provider of quality health care services in the home and is the first nonprofit and most experienced Hospice Care provider in Texas. Focusing on living life to its fullest and treating our patients and families with the dignity and respect they deserve. VNA provides com-passionate Hospice and Palliative Care in Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Fannin, Grayson, Henderson, Hunt, Kaufman, Rockwall, Tarrant, Van Zandt, Wise Counties, and parts of Johnson and Navarro counties.
VNA’s fundraising events held throughout the year include North Texas Giving Day, Power of Pie, Light Up a Life, and Celebrity Chef.
VNA Hospice Care provides a wide variety of opportunities to visit with patients and caregivers to provide support. Sewing projects and administrative support is also needed.
Donations help the Visiting Nurse Association of Texas. A gift of $150 will provide compassionate hospice care for a patient with nowhere to turn. Your support makes it possible to serve and provide the highest-quality care to those facing terminal illness with no means to pay. Visit our website, vnatexas.org, for more information on how you can help. PICTURED: Olivia Rodgers, a leading voice in health care and senior services and the VP, Chief Nursing Officer of VNA Texas.
214.535.2615, [email protected], vnatexas.org