The wait is finally over. After more than four and a half years of aging, Firestone and Robertson Distilling Company's (F&R) TX Straight Bourbon hit shelves on Dec. 12.
In 2012, F&R distilled and barreled its first batch of TX Straight Bourbon. F&R utilized a yeast strain that was captured and cultivated from a pecan tree nut located in Glen Rose. It is the only whiskey in the world to use a wild Texas yeast strain resulting in distinct flavors of dark fruit, sweet spice and caramel. To add to the product's authenticity, it is produced exclusively with corn and wheat grains farmed in Texas.
"Admittedly, there were times in the past few years when we grew impatient, but we are so happy that we waited," said Leonard Firestone, co-founder of F&R. "We believe our team has produced something special. The final product has certainly achieved all our goals. The bourbon has a beautiful aroma. It's smooth. It's balanced. And on the palate, it reveals classic bourbon characteristics but clearly possesses its own personality. We can't wait to share it."
TX Straight Bourbon is being sold in select Dallas and Fort Worth stores.
Know Before You Taste
Upon swirling, long and slow legs showcase the spirit's brilliant viscosity. At bottle strength, the nose is very bold with aromas of rich oak, caramel, cinnamon and allspice. Using a few drops of water for dilution, dark dried fruit, coconut, toasted almonds, and more sweet spice fragrances radiate in the glass. On the palate, the velvety, mouth-coating sensation of the bourbon, along with its supreme drinkability, becomes apparent. The aromas carry through on the taste and provide a lingering finish.