Fort Worth Zoo
It’s official, baby Brazos has a brother from another mother as of 2 a.m. on February 23. This healthy 37-inch-tall, 270-pound male Asian elephant calf is the fifth calf born at the Fort Worth Zoo, following the arrival of half-brother Brazos born in 2021, Belle, his mother, in 2013, Bowie in 2013 (Bowie now resides at the Oklahoma City Zoo), and aunt, Bluebonnet, in 1998.
Zoo officials report, that this new calf adds to the three generations of elephants that call the Zoo home, which mimics how herds are established in the wild. This birth marks a first for Belle, who is now over 9 years old.
Officials say, Belle was carefully monitored throughout her pregnancy. As part of her prenatal care, she had weekly blood tests to monitor progesterone levels, regular physical examinations, and sonograms. The calf’s father, Romeo, is 30 years old and has lived at the Fort Worth Zoo since 2015.
Currently, both mother and baby boy are doing well, officials say. For now, both mother and son are spending time bonding in behind-the-scenes areas of the elephant habitat, named Elephant Springs.
The initial bonding time between an elephant calf, its mother, and family unit is vital to a successful rearing, according to a Fort Worth Zoo release. As he acclimates to his surroundings and continues to grow stronger, the animal care team will determine when a public debut can take place. Temperatures and shifts in weather will also dictate the outdoor schedule.
Until then, Zoo officials are telling the public to keep an eye on its social media accounts and website for the most up-to-date information, photos and videos.
“It is our hope that in Elephant Springs, guests can connect with these creatures and be motivated to learn more about them and how to save their counterparts in the wild,” a zoo official wrote in statement.