Kristi Easterly, Christen Gullatt and Jade Bailey met by chance - or by providence. The women discovered the common threads in their lives - two families were connected through a church home, two were connected through the experience of raising brothers, and two were connected because they were raising children with diseases beyond their control.
"We were at a place where we felt like we couldn't control these issues that were affecting our lives, but at least we could do something to raise awareness and funding so that maybe our children's future would be brighter and healthier," said Easterly.
As a result, they formed a non-profit organization called Hearts and Minds That Care Presents (hmcpresents.org) to raise money and awareness for three separate organizations that have touched their hearts in a personal way.
Their second effort at a major fundraiser - Jingle Bells for Cancer Cells - is scheduled 4-7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 6, in Sundance Plaza. Their initial event fell victim to Icemageddon the first weekend of December 2013.
Their charity benefits the Children's Tumor Foundation (ctf.org), Basal Cell Carcinoma Nevus Syndrome Life Support Network (gorlinsyndrome.org) and the Methodist Justice Ministry of Fort Worth's First United Methodist Church (methodistjusticeministry.org).
Easterly supports the Children's Tumor Foundation, which raises awareness and funding for neurofibromatosis, a disease her 3-year-old daughter has. Both Gullatt and her 6-year-old son have basal cell nevus syndrome. Bailey supports the Methodist Justice Ministry, which provides legal assistance to women and children, because more than 30 years ago, her mother was in an abusive relationship.
For more details on Jingle Bells for Cancer Cells tickets and sponsorships, visit hmcpresents.org/giving.php.