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Like many other events this year, Santa’s visit from the North Pole will be virtual.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation of North Texas is bringing virtual Santa visits to families between Nov. 30 – Dec. 22. Children can speak with Santa via Zoom for up to three minutes for a $25 donation, or they can have a family party with Santa for 10 minutes for a $50 donation. All donations help Make-A-Wish grant wishes to children with critical illnesses.
For Wish kids who are currently waiting for their wishes to come true, Frost Bank and First United Bank are sponsoring their calls, giving them a chance to talk to Santa for free.
“I am thrilled that we are able to provide virtual visits with Santa for our community this year,” Christina Rodgers, vice president of Frost Bank said in a statement. “These virtual visits will give those who are new to Make-A-Wish a glimpse of the magic and joy wishes bring to all our Wish families.”
Santa will be portrayed by Fort Worth resident Fred Cauble, who's spent years playing Santa for the Dallas Cowboys at The Star and has also played Santa at Sundance Square. All kids who register will receive a special note from Santa, along with a photo of their virtual visit.
According to Make-A-Wish, there are hundreds of children who are currently waiting for their wish to be granted due to COVID-19. Wishes that do not include travel or large gatherings continue to be granted, nonetheless. These wishes are made possible by donations from local donors.
For more information, visit wish.org/ntx or contact Dana-Susan Crews, senior philanthropic advisor at Make-A-Wish Fort Worth at [email protected].