According to a 2016 ABC News poll, 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians, which means for the majority of Fort Worthians, this week is the most significant seven days in the history of the world, and in their faith.
Most Christians know that Palm Sunday recognizes Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. And, most know Easter celebrates Jesus' resurrection. Most, however, do not slow down to think about the remarkable events that occurred 2,000-plus years ago during this seven-day period called Passion Week. So called because it is the week that Jesus Christ truly revealed His passion for us in His suffering on our behalf.
A decade ago a dear friend of mine, Greg Love, started sending me, and others in our Bible study, text messages describing significant events that Jesus experienced 2,000-plus years ago during Passion Week. Over the last decade this ministry has blessed me in so many ways by allowing me to appreciate more just how much Jesus sacrificed for me and the great gift that I've been given.
To facilitate the distribution of these messages to more people, Greg has created a smartphone app called EasterNow that sends alerts (notifications) to users during various stages of Passion Week, using the phone's notification system. Included in the app with each update are maps providing greater clarity, background on events and scripture. Old Testament passages show the fulfillment of prophecy, while New Testament sections outline the events themselves.
If you want to enhance your Christian experience this week, I encourage you to download the EasterNow app at EasterNow.com on your phone. The app can be found directly at the Apple Store and Google Play.