I believe I have stumbled upon one of my most brilliant ideas ever! I've been feeling extremely cantankerous this week. Matter of fact, all I can really think about are things that annoy or anger me. That made me start thinking of creative ways to share my feelings with everyone. You know, sort of like Hallmark only cranky.
I came up with a few different ideas but they really didn't jazz me up, and I didn't think that ultimately it would help anyone feel better. That's when I came up with this little gem.
I have taken the “suggestion box” and the “Valentine bag” and merged them into one delightful idea. Not only shall my idea bring forth co-worker communication, but it will also allow us to get things off our chest in a non-confrontational, anonymous, creative sort of way.
My plan is to have everyone decorate paper lunch bags and tape them to the front of their desks. I know you're wondering what mental facility to call, but just hang on a minute. Everyone can decorate their lunch sack however they see fit. We can use markers, stickers, pictures, barbed wire, whatever expressive ideas each individual wants to use. Here's the really good part! We will all use the bags to leave our anonymous suggestions in.
See how this is all working out? You can't sign your name or say anything really hurtful, only suggestions or helpful tips.
I'm thinking something along the lines of, “When you smack your bubble gum, I want to smack you in the head.” Okay wait, that might fall in the hurtful category. Hmmm, I may actually have to fine tune my idea a tad. How about something like this? “I hope you get a nasty paper cut from all the stupid sticky notes you leave on my desk. Go make it a great day.” Yeah, that one is also a bit harsh isn't it? Wait, I can do this just give me a second.
Here's one… “When I hear you stirring your Crystal Lite 46 times a day, I want to run over your cup with my car! 46 times! Way to stay fit and healthy.” Or “Your dress reminds me of my grandmother's curtains. Better luck on your next shopping adventure. I have faith in your fashion abilities.” Hmmm, still not quite there, but I like the idea of ending on a positive note.
Actually it may be best if I shelf this Valentine Suggestion Bag idea for a time when I'm feeling less ornery and more helpful and cheery.
I'll keep you posted as to how this all works out.