Ellen Carey (b. 1952). Pulls with Mixed & Off-Set Pods, 2010 dye diffusion prints (Polaroid). Courtesy of the artist and M+B Gallery, Los Angeles.
In January, the Amon Carter Museum of American Art celebrated its 57th anniversary and is currently presenting contemporary work by female artists. Joy Kim, assistant curator of photographs, said from a curatorial standpoint there has been more of an interest in exhibiting contemporary artists.
“Audiences have always responded to the work of living artists,” Kim said. “That is something that we'll continue in the coming years.”
Here, the three major exhibitions at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art put on by women artists and a piece of art to check out from each.
Ellen Carey: Dings, Pulls, and Shadows
This recently opened exhibition displays color and light in photographic processes. Seven works are featured from the experimental photographer.
Find this: Pulls with Mixed and Off-Set Pods (2010). One of the largest works in the room, this piece highlights the colors red, blue, yellow and green. The photographs are made with a 20 x 24-inch Polaroid camera.
In Her Image: Photographs by Rania Matar
A picture is worth a thousand words, and Lebanese-American photographer Rania Matar depicts the identity of females and their transitions through adolescence and womanhood.
Rania Matar. Yasmine 12, Beirut, Lebanon, 2012. Inkjet print. From the series: L’Enfant-Femme. Courtesy of the artist.
Find this: Yasmine 12, Beirut, Lebanon (2012). This photo may look simple from far away, but look closer to see the details that illustrate the concepts of childhood and adulthood, from the girl’s colorful bracelets to the two celebrities on the pillows.
Commanding Space: Women Sculptors of Texas
If you walk into the museum and go immediately straight, you might miss out on the small white room in the front of the museum composed of sculptures created from nontraditional material.
Celia Eberle (b. 1950). Secret Ceremony, 2015. Wood, metal, glass, snowflake obsidian, coral, music box mechanism. Courtesy of the artist and Cris Worley Gallery.
Find this: Secret Ceremony (2015) by Celia Eberle. The contemporary piece functions similarly to a motion sensor music box: Walk right past it, and you can hear Beethoven’s chilling “Moonlight Sonata” play through the whole room.