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Carol Wollin
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Carol Wollin
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Carol Wollin
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Carol Wollin
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Carol Wollin
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Carol Wollin
The CWC 36th Fashion Show & Luncheon Benefit was a tremendous success on April 5 at the Hurst Conference Center. Everyone loved the Hawaiian theme, E Ka Wai Nani, meaning By the Beautiful Waters. Guests and the professional runway models wore tropical or resort fashions. A favorite activity was the Pineapple Pull where 200 real pineapples with a number attached to each one were displayed on long tables. The guest selected a pineapple and if its number matched a featured prize, the prize was theirs. The featured boutiques/stores were Austin Loren, Dillard’s, Malouf’s, Rose & Rivets Boutique, Scout & Molly’s Boutique, and XAR Clothiers. Fashion Show Co-Chairs were Juli Gerrard and Pam Hudson.