Felix Schilling
It’s a shot we’ve seen before. Heck, it’s a shot that might even have previously appeared on this back page of the magazine. The alleyway on W. 4th St. that leads to the Scat Jazz Lounge’s bright neon sign is as picturesque a city scene as one can imagine — Fort Worth’s own trip to New York City in the 1920s.
But, according to local photographer Felix Schilling, “adding a person does wonders for this iconic Fort Worth location.” Schilling captured this photo on Christmas night, having gone downtown with his camera in tow after visiting friends. He’d met someone in The Sinclair’s lobby bar and the two conducted a spontaneous photoshoot in the Scat Lounge alley. The result is a timeless image.
@felixarthurschilling Photo by Felix Schilling
(Get your photo in an issue of Fort Worth Magazine and win a $100 gift card to Fort Worth Camera. Just tag Fort Worth Magazine (@fwtxmag) and Fort Worth Camera (@fwcamera) and use the hashtags #fwtxmag and #fwcamera on all your amazing Cowtown images.)