David Bennett House
One of Fort Worth's most notable historic homes will soon cater to a different taste.
The 157-year-old David Chapman Bennett house, located at 731 Samuels Avenue, is becoming a wine and craft beer tasting room, Fort Worth Today reported in an Instagram post.
Located within walking distance to Sundance Square, the Stockyards and city bike trails, the home — whose namesake is of the former vice president of Fort Worth National Bank — sits on one and a half acres with captivating gardens that lead to the banks of the Trinity River.
The home was listed on Zillow last summer for $2.3 million before dropping to $1.8 million in October — but the listing was recently removed on Aug. 20. The current owners made the request to rezone the home from “D” High-Density Multifamily to “PD/H” Planned Development for all uses in a recent city council meeting.
Among its proposed plans: enlarging the current patio areas, adding new outdoor spaces, and improving the street and pedestrian corridor, Fort Worth Today reports.