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The Fort Worth Police, with a grant from The Morris Foundation, will train every officer in de-escalation techniques for situations involving people they encounter who have mental health issues.
The City Council on Tuesday accepted a $47,495 grant from the foundation, based in Fort Worth. The police department’s 1,659 currently sworn officers will be certified after the 40-hour program, which will be taught by a certified mental health officer and licensed MHMR social worker. The timeframe for completion is 18 months.
“With so much discussion, both nationally and locally, about the need to respond better to people experiencing mental crisis, this donation from The Morris Foundation enables the FWPD to train all of our officers to resolve these calls more effectively,” Ed Kraus, Fort Worth Police chief, said in a release. “I have no doubt this will result in better outcomes as our officers serve these individuals in need.”
Police Lt. Amy Ladd will lead the training and certification process.
“The underlying elements behind mental illness-related behaviors are usually not criminal or malicious,” Ladd said. “Utilizing the information from this course and implementing effective strategies can help keep officers and the public safe.
“Often family members call police in an attempt to assist a relative who is exhibiting problematic or troubling behavior due to mental illness. In some cases, when the police arrive, the subject is holding an implement that may be perceived as potentially harmful, which can result in a deadly force encounter,” Ladd continued.
“Increasing public trust and confidence in law enforcement among people suffering from mental illness, their families, and the community at-large is our goal,” Ladd said.
One of the foundation’s key giving areas is improving mental health in greater Fort Worth.
“Providing an approach that significantly improves the thousands of acute mental health situations law enforcement manages each year is one way we can help bring positive change in mental health,” said Todd Liles, the foundation’s executive director. “Training of the whole force will have the greatest possible impact, reducing escalated incidents and creating jail diversion opportunities for our most vulnerable populations.”