Police believe they have found the two men who took off with baby Jesus in the days leading up to Christmas.
Fort Worth police said it had arrested two in connection with the theft of baby Jesus from the Nativity scene in Sundance Square in downtown.
Juan Meave, 39, and Martin Worden, 33, were arrested earlier this week. They were charged with theft of property between $100 and $750.
That's not quite what Herod was accused of trying to do with baby Jesus 2,000 years prior. If convicted, they will no doubt be forgiven, just perhaps not by the state of Texas.
Police declined to say how they were led to the two men.
Baby Jesus was liberated and returned to the Nativity scene last week.
“We’re thankful for everybody who helped return baby Jesus to us,” said Zach Murphy, a director of security for Sundance Square, last week. “The Fort Worth Police Department did a great job. And not only the police, but the community as well, spreading the message on social media.
“That’s what's special about Fort Worth. Everybody cares.”
One man was caught on camera running off with baby Jesus. A second man is in view in another frame.
In the aftermath of the incident, Murphy says Sundance Square management has stepped up patrols on the weekend.