The Amazing Spider-Man --- I am a Tobey Maguire fan, but for me he did not come through like Andrew Garfield does as Peter Parker in the current Spider-Man movie. More believable to me as a highschool kid with the wiry, but muscular physique. Also brings a more animated personality to the screen and it is fun watching him "perfect" his Spider-Man skills. Loved it!
Bernie -- Even if you are not a Jack Black fan, this movie is a must see for anyone living in or is from Texas. Great performance by JB and Shirley MacLaine. The script is based on a true story set in Carthage, Texas. So I have been told, the cast is a mix of real townfolk and actors. In any event, they all have the "Texas way" down pat. Loved it!
The Watch --- Disappointment for me. A good premise, but a lot of the scenes felt ad libbed with the purpose to outdo each other with gratuitous foul language. Not even any good outtakes. Did not like much.
Magic Mike --- I am sure every man loving woman has seen this by now. But, if you haven't it is fun. Not much of a plot, but in this case who needs one! Loved it!