by Noah Anderson
So how did you guys settle on the name The Unlikely Candidates? I would love to tell people it came from the hammering pang of some epiphanic moment of adversity or Jim Morrison came to me in a dream. Truth is, we made a list of about a thousand names and that was the only decent one we came up with at the time. No divine intervention, just a lot of word combinations. It seems to suit us pretty well though. We have always been incorrigible misfits.
Why did you decide to record your album in Fort Worth? Fort Worth is home, and it is also where we did most of the writing. It has been the setting subconsciously for the majority of the experiences that contributed to the album so it seemed fitting that we complete the process here. We never had much desire and certainly did not have the resources to go anywhere else to do the recording. Also, they make a good bowl of habanero queso down the street.
Speaking of the album, do you know when it might drop? Still a little early to tell, it will be a good couple of months before it drops. They will let the single set the pace for a while, and then the whole cavalry will come charging in when the momentum is right.
I know you recently signed with Atlantic Records. What can you tell me about that? It is incredibly exciting. We played two days during SXSW this year, and two of the shows were for the Music Saves Lives showcase at the Firehouse Lounge. We were coming off the road hot from a small tour in California, and so when we played the showcases, we burned the place up. It was a mad drunken blur. There were a lot of different labels that came out including Atlantic that were interested in courting us. Four days later, we flew out to New York to showcase for Atlantic and a few other labels. We hit it off with Atlantic right away, and they seemed to have a similar vision so we decided to go with them.