Megan Thorne produces handmade, one-of-a-kind jewelry that is the very picture of femininity and elegance. We sat down with her to get the inside scoop on her new store on Magnolia Avenue in Fort Worth and what to look for from Megan this spring.
What motivated you to start creating your own designs and open your own store? I started designing even as I was a child, and it has always been what I enjoy doing. I worked for a lingerie company in the fashion industry, which was owned by two women. I had never really seen women in power that owned a big business like that. Sometimes when you produce items in a factory, there can be a disconnect between your original design vision and the end result. I decided that I wanted to be involved in producing the items myself from conception to production.
What is involved in your design process? I will usually have a specific inspiration. A lot of times it's fabric, a sculpture or even something I view in a fashion magazine. I usually start with an idea and create a mood board with concepts that will complement it. I will then make a wax carving, which is the initial step in creating jewelry. It helps you to fine tune the design.
What is your favorite aspect of your job? It's working with my team in the creation process. I'm so lucky because the people that work with me are all family and friends. Being able to grow with them is special. We are literally a family in and outside of the office.
Tell us about your new collection. In the beginning, I tried various different approaches to figure out what works for me. What I found that really worked for me was ultra feminine and girly-girl pieces. I will be working to re-introduce feminine with an added edge, which is a little more of my personal style. I will be incorporating black diamonds, oxidized silver and really rustic-looking diamonds.
What advice would you give to women trying to accessorize their look with the right piece or pieces of jewelry? The first thing is probably to stick with your base pieces. These are pieces you would naturally go to and wear on a day-to-day basis. This is your signature look. From there, you can add in fun pieces to experiment with. It also helps to show friends and family what your style is so that they can add to your collection!
What advice would you give a gentleman who is looking for the perfect piece of jewelry to give the lady in his life? She's probably told you already, so be sure to listen and pay attention! Ha! Looking at what she wears every day will give you a great idea of what she likes style-wise. Something sentimental having to do with your child, spouse or possibly even your birthstone can be really thoughtful and personal.