Who needs diamonds with the influx of natural stone jewelry hitting stores? Join the rock revival with large, colorful statement pieces. With the vast variety of shapes and striations in the natural stones, the use of raw-cut rocks is a style with the potential for staying power through spring. Rugged stones are often complimented with delicate gold or silver for a more refined look, and the advantage of this trend is that no two pieces are alike.
by Jennifer Casseday-Blair
A Crushed Stone Necklace, $60, Isabelle Grace, isabellegracejewelry.com
B Purple Stone Necklace, $28, Beehive Fort Worth, 817.570.0484
C Blue Hoop Earrings, $32, Beehive Fort Worth, 817.570.0484
D Green Stone Ring, $15, Beehive Fort Worth, 817.570.0484
E Red Geode Cuff, $24, Francesca's Collections, francescascollections.com
F Geode and Gold Necklace, $168, Spoiled Pink, spoiledpink.com
G Quartz Stone and Gold Cuff, $38, Spoiled Pink, spoiledpink.com