ANew Year is here, and it's time to make a different kind of resolution. Infuse your style with a timepiece that defines the fresh, wiser and more fashionable you. From fun and funky to sleek and sparkly, these functional fashion accessories are the perfect way to kick-start your year. Set a personal goal by pairing a watch with the most exciting resolution on your list. If getting fit is your glamour goal, pick a watch like the Casio Baby G to keep you focused on fitness. With its feminine flair, the Shinola Birdy is the perfect selection for a gal committed to finding more social time with her girlfriends. Make it resolution No. 1 to find a watch that will get you inspired and keep you feeling (and looking) fabulous all year long!
Vintage Timex, $10; ReVint Boutique, revint-boutique.myshopify.com
ShinolaBirdy Rose Golden Watch, $525; Neiman Marcus FW, neimanmarcus.com
Michele DC Mod Gold, (band) $700 | (face) $2,845; Neiman Marcus FW, neimanmarcus.com
Michael Kors Double-Wrap Leather Watch, $195; Neiman Marcus FW, neimanmarcus.com
Casio Baby G Whale Black, $90; Ridglea Watch and Jewelry, ridgleawatchandjewelry.com