The Original Mexican Cafe
Edohana Sushi, yes raw fish, on South Hulen Street and the famed Original Mexican Eats Cafe — where FDR once dined — on Camp Bowie Boulevard were immediately closed due to inadequate refrigeration. However, restaurants are allowed an opportunity to correct any uncovered errors within 48 hours of a shutdown per the inspection rules. Thankfully, Edohana Sushi passed its reinspection (phew) and reopened the same day. Mexican Eats was slightly slower to correct their ship, closing Sept. 16-18.
The Health Division grades each restaurant on a point system where they earn demerits for each violation. Restaurants earning more than 30 demerits are given a 48-hour window to fix their problems but are typically not shut down unless egregious errors are committed. Sushi Axiom Hibachi and Bar on South Freeway scored a 49 on Sept. 20 for excessive flies in the kitchen, improperly stored food, and placing their cookware on the floor. The restaurant passed a follow-up inspection on Sept. 23 with a score of 29. Riscky’s Barbecue at 300 Main Street scored a 32 on Sept. 23 for organic matter growing in the ice machine, unlabeled chemical bottles, and meat containers stored on the floor of the walk-in cooler. Riscky’s fixed its violations and is currently in compliance with the city’s Consumer Health Department.