Fort Worth Chef Michael S. Thomson of MICHAELS CUISINE Restaurant and Bar hails from Florida - he says he's careful to note that he is a born-again Texan now - and is planning to send his style of food back to his birth state and elsewhere in the South.
Thomson is partnering with Marketing Media Enterprizes in Orlando to form Flori-Texan Food Products. The new company will develop and manufacture food products based on Thomson's recipes from his highly successful Fort Worth restaurant.
"We're working on building the brand, and we'll start with one item and build from that," Thomson told us. But he hasn't decided which product that will be. He already sells his Roc Doc Rub through the restaurant.
Thomson is hoping to be in the marketplace by the fall, initially in Florida and then across the south if the market will bear it.
He founded MICHAELS CUISINE Restaurant and Bar in 1992, featuring what he labels as "contemporary ranch cuisine," which blends spices and textures of Mexico with the cuisines of the American South.
"We are excited to partner with Michael, a colleague and friend of many years, and bring MICHAELS CUISINE food products to market," Laura Hayes-Reeves, president of Marketing Media Enterprizes, said in a news release.
Michael is a recognized leader in the Texas food movement and an ambassador for the Texas Beef Council and the U.S. Meat Export Federation, training chefs in Texas Cuisine.