Psychiatrists treat patients with mental disorders ranging from chronic depression and stress-related illnesses to schizophrenia and manic depression, using both verbal and drug therapies.
- Nanette Allison
- Debra Atkisson
- Joe Burkett
- Holly Cannon
- Dustin DeMoss
- Davinder Dhingra
- Brian Dixon
- Marija Djokovic
- Gary Etter
- Elma Granado
- Sarah Hardy
- Jennifer Heath
- Cheryl Hurd
- Jadwiga Klymiuk
- Prema Manjunath
- Carol Nati
- Jacob O'Meilia
- Nekesha Oliphant
- Alan Podawiltz
- Garrick Prejean
- Geetha Reddy
- Doug Segars
- Leslie Smith
- Erica Swicegood
- Ross Tatum
- Scott Winter