Jimmy Q. Nguyen
Over 1,800 aircraft fly into Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport every day, but capturing a photo like this remains elusive. Photographer Jimmy Q. Nguyen, who’s been doing aviation photography for the past 12 years, says snapping such a pic takes a lot of practice. “The hard part of this photo is the setting,” Nguyen says. “If you want to see the aircraft, the moon will overexpose. Or the moon will be perfect but the aircraft too dark.” Nguyen captured this image with a Canon 1D4 from the Founders’ Plaza, an observation area that resides next to airport. “It was dark out there, so I had to shoot with a slower shutter speed, which takes a lot of practice to ensure you don’t get any blur.” You can purchase Nguyen’s photography at redubble.com/people/yar6rider/shop. @jimmyqphotography