1 (18.25-ounce) box white cake mix
5 quart-size re-sealable plastic bags
Food coloring of your choice
Frosting or whipped topping
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix cake mix according to package directions. Divide batter among five plastic bags. Add your choice of food coloring to each bag and mix. Make a small snip in a corner of each bag. Pipe into paper-lined muffin tins, layering colors. Bake as directed on package.
2. When cool, frost with whipped topping or frosting. Decorate with sprinkles — such as stars on the icing clouds over the cake rainbow.
Judie Byrd is founder of The Culinary School of Fort Worth and host of Judie Byrd's Kitchen, seen daily on Family Net Cable TV. For more information, go to judiebyrd.com.